a lifestyle, motherhood, & running blog


Friday Nights at 201 Central

Y'all already know that I love 201 Central, but that love has recently been taken to a new level over the last week or so.

I had no intention of going to 201 Central two Fridays ago but I was meeting a friend at a restaurant/bar right next to it and I got there before her. I figured that I would run into 201 real quick to grab a bottle {or two} of wine while I was waiting for her. She got there, I told her where I was, and she suggested that we drink at 201 rather than our original planned location.


When you walk into the store, if you look to the right, you'll see this little bar area with a few little tables off to the side. Turns out, you can drink in the store & it's a happening place on a Friday night.

Here's why it is fantastic:

Every beer {from about a 40 beer selection} is only $2.
You read that right.

Hungry? You've got plenty of options!
- Go get some Chex Mix from the bartenders
- Go out into the grocery store and pick up some Pimento Cheese & Crackers
- STILL hungry? Go to the frozen food section, grab a pizza, and they will cook it for you.

They also let you be civilized about it by providing plates, utensils, and napkins as necessary.

Want something that they don't have at the bar? Ok, cool. Just go out into the store, find what you want, and bring it over to enjoy.
- They have an ice bath kind of thing for you to put your white wine in to chill it.
- They'll open your bottle of wine for you.
- They'll open the beer for you if your beer selection requires a bottle opener.

Like I said, it's a fantastic little place to go to on a Friday night if you live up in the Mallard Creek/Highland Creek area of Charlotte. Go. Check it out!

1 comment

  1. This place sounds awesome- wish we had one/ something like it!! :)


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