a lifestyle, motherhood, & running blog


A Southern Twenty-Five on Friday!

& so begins the meat hangover courtesy of Chima Brazilian Steakhouse. You would think that after 4 Queen's Feast trips to that place I'd learn my lesson. Nope. Not the case. Their food is delicious and I always, always end up eating more than I should.

I have been talking for years about buying a football jersey of either a player on the Panthers or a player on the Seahawks. With both teams doing so well this year, the deal I made with myself {& mistakenly shared with a friend} was that I would finally buy a jersey from either team if either one of them made it to the Super Bowl.
Sigh. Peer pressure. & yes, I'm wearing it to work today because I'm that excited about it.

Expect more on this next week but holy cow bells... Chima never disappoints.

I know I am so late to the game with this but I finally gave in and started watching House of Cards.
House of Cards (2013) Poster

It is fairly safe to say that I'm intrigued by the show. I'm only about halfway through Season 1 and it's... interesting? I can't stop watching it though! Thank goodness the next season will be released on Netflix in 2 weeks.

I can get on board with this whole cold thing if it would snow but nothing. Zip. But once again, the only thing that makes the cold weather better: flannel sheets!!

If you're curious, those are supposed to be "winter animals" but the bear looks way more like a hippo than a bear if you ask me.

Y'all already know I'm a huge football fan. The obsession extends to college basketball, too {& college baseball while we're at it}. Can I just point out that Clemson was predicted to finish 14th {out of 15!} in the ACC and they are currently sitting pretty at #5? I refuse to get excited about them unless they beat UNC at Chapel Hill Sunday night. I'm sorry. How do you never win at Chapel Hill? C'mon. This is a down year for UNC and a surprisingly good year for Clemson. This has got to be the year. Right?

Go check out the hosts of Five On Friday {April, Darci, Natashaand Christina} and join in on the fun!



  1. hahaha your "hippo bear" comment had me laughing. I'm a tarheel girl so excited to see that match up :)

  2. CHima is so amazing, such great food!

    Woohoo Seahawks! happy they are doing well, I like their quarterback.

  3. Those steak houses are no joke - it's impossible to say no!!! House of Cards is such an amazing show and I think the highlight of valentines day is that the entire season 2 will be on Netflix!! Happy weekend!

  4. AH Chima is sooooo good and now I'm craving it! As a Chapel Hill native, I can't back you up on #5 but I will say that it needs to snow around here ASAP! 15* this morning and nothing but some frost on my windows! Have a wonderful weekend - house of cards is so crazy!

  5. hahaa these winter animals are hilarious!! i've been wanting to watch house of cards...maybe this weekend is the start! have a happy friday!

  6. Would you believe I've never been to Chima!? I need to get there!

    Thanks for linking up with us Chesson :)

  7. Mmmmmm we LOVE Chima! Glenn's a huge carnivore so he doesn't even touch the salad bar, but since I only eat fish I get the fish+salad bar (bonus: cheaper!) option. To be a steakhouse, they do fish the right way too and we always leave stuffed and happy!

  8. you are right !that bear does look like a hippo haha you made me laugh

  9. I always love watching the UNC/Clemson game. While I am a UNC fan (sorry both parents and boyfriend went there) I still wouldn't be surprised to see Clemson pull the upset this year because like you said, the Heels are all over the board this year!

  10. {visiting from the link up} Hope you see some snow asap! Meanwhile enjoy the warm, cozy bedding :)

  11. Those sheets are presh! They look perfectly cozy :)

  12. House of Cards is so addictive! I think my boyfriend and I watched the entire season 1 in a week. If you haven't watched it yet, you should also watch The Following, so good!

    jess | Quaintrelle

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