a lifestyle, motherhood, & running blog


A Southern Twenty-Five on Friday: Easter Edition

Last five day work week for a while!

I'm taking a half day today {so technically this isn't really a 5 day work week} and then have four straight Fridays off in a row. Yup. That's what I call perfect scheduling of vacation days.

It's Friday & y'all know the drill by now. Linking up with April, Christina, Natasha, and Darcy for Five on Friday.

Easter Weekend!

{Easter 2010}

One of my very favorite weekends of the year for a lot of reasons, one of which is being able to catch up with some of my high school friends. The other might be the pictures that I make everyone take every year. If y'all are lucky, it'll take just three attempts again this year to get a great shot. Keep your fingers crossed!

What's Easter weekend without a Bunny Hop 5K?

I've loved changing my work hours to 6:45 - 3:45 rather than working 8-5. It's worked out pretty well for the last five months. But today is the opening day of the Farmer's Market and I didn't get to partake in my Friday morning Farmer's Market trip that I enjoyed so much last year :(

If you're in Charlotte this weekend {or any weekend}, you need to go check them out! They seriously have the best produce around.

I got to meet up with three other bloggers {Amanda, Kristina, & Joey} this week uptown for some drinks and dinner at Enso.

Loved being able to do this and we definitely have to do this again soon!

My apartment gym has finally received all of their equipment and part of last addition were some Kettlebells. Anybody else use these for working out? I've never used them before so I've started researching things to do with them and there are a lot of exercises to do. I had no idea!


Happy Good Friday & Easter!

FREE Easter Printable - Christ the Lord is Risen Today - Alleluia!!


  1. So fun that you got to hang with so many other great bloggers - that's always the best! I'm totally jealous of your upcoming vacation days, not to mention your new work schedule - I'm a morning person and would love to push my hours earlier if I had the option!

  2. whoohoo for the blate! had so much fun of course. and enjoy those friday's off girl. perfect planning!

  3. Your work hours sound amazing - good call! Hope the 5k goes well this weekend and that you have a happy Easter!

  4. How fun was that blate! Totally jealous! And those work hours sound amazing! I work 7:30 to 4:30 right now and it's nice to be done before 5 but unfortunately my commute is really long so I still get stuck in rush hour traffic. I love working out with kettle bells! There are so many great exercises out there and everything is kind of a full body workout since you do it standing and have to stabilize! Hope you have an amazing weekend!

    <3, Pamela
    Sequins & Sea Breezes

  5. I love kettlebell workouts!! My favorite is a one-legged deadlift for your hamstrings, feels so good (afterwards). haha. So excited for our Farmers Market too, reminds me of summer :) Have a great Easter weekend!

  6. Yes for a half day! I’m loving being home today! Enjoy your friend time and that Bunny Hop! The blogger night out looks fabulous!

  7. I miss the Farmer's Market in Charlotte so much. Wish we had more bloggers in Columbia to do meet ups like that.


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